Camp Philosophy and Values
The philosophy of Camp Country Lad is founded on the belief that the camp experience provides opportunities for boys to learn valuable lessons that will make them become a better person. This philosophy is based on:
A Simpler Life. For most boys, today's world is very complex, filled with pressures from school, athletics, and social life. Days are filled with non-stop activities. Camp Country Lad offers boys the opportunity to take a break from these distractions and come to know themselves better. Instead of computers and video games, the day is filled with experiences such as learning how to paddle a canoe, playing with a baby duck, swimming with friends, or just reading a book in a hammock.
Appreciation for the Out-of-Doors. Many of the activities of Country Lad revolve around the out-of-doors. Whether its riding a horse on a trail through the woods, camping out by the lake, or jumping from the rope swing, the boys are immersed in beautiful natural surroundings.
A Sense of Accomplishment. Many of the activities at Country Lad have ranks which gives the boys an opportunity to not only learn a new skill but have a sense of accomplishment by passing the rank. A unique part of Country Lad is how boys will encourage and help each other in passing the ranks.
Spiritual and Moral Development. Country Lad accepts boys of all denominations. A Christian church service is held on Sunday morning in an out-of-doors setting by the lake and inspirational devotionals are given each night before bedtime. Solid moral principles are the foundation of Country Lad. Boys learn to put others before themselves, work together to accomplish a goal, respect differences among others, and develop a closer relationship with God and His creation.
Leading by Example. For the older campers and camp staff, leading by example is an important aspect of camp life. Mr. Malcolm emphasizes this point each year by reading the following poem to the counselors:
A careful man I want to be,
A little fellow follows me;
I would not dare go astray,
For fear he'd go the self same way.
I cannot once escape his eyes,
Whatever he sees me do, he tries;
Like me he says he wants to be,
That little Lad who follows me.
I must remember as I go,
Through summer seasons and winter snow;
That I'm building for the years to be,
That little Lad who follows me.